Thursday, June 30, 2011

PCH Day 4

Left Portland this morning about 0830.  The forecast called for scattered showers and we must have been riding a scattered route because we got rained on for about 120 miles. It was raining when we left Portland and stayed with us off and on most of the morning.

We ventured up the freeway to US30 crossing the Columbia River a couple of times going back and forth between Oregon and Washington.  About 100 miles later we arrived in Astoria, OR.

Of course, then we had to ride over the Astoria Bridge into Washington. It is the longest truss bridge in North America and is several miles long. You go up way high and then drop down to skimming across the Columbia River for a long distance.  It was really neat!
Once crossing to Washington we turned around and rode back across the bridge to Astoria. From there we traveled s/b on the 101 to Seaside OR where we stopped for lunch.

We traveled through Cannon Beach, Rockaway Beach and took break in Tillamook.  We even toured the Tillamook Cheese Factory and had some of the best ice cream we have ever tasted.

After a gas stop in was back on the highway heading south.  The highway winds its way around the shoreline, up hills, down hills and every which direction. We found ourselves in thick dense forests and then we would round a curve and there was a sheer drop off to the great Pacific Ocean.  Talk about multiple personalities!  Just when you think you are hundreds of miles from the beach, you see a break in the trees and there she is! This kind of beauty never did get old....

And then we finished off the night with dinner. My grilled salmon salad was great but I think Angie's chicken spinach salad was even better.  But best was the view from our table....
250 miles today and its way past my bedtime........

1 comment:

As the World "Kerns" said...

Love all the pictures! Yes, I am envious; but at least I get to see your awesome pictures. You TWO are so COOL!!!! Keep having fun!