Tuesday, November 25, 2008

6 Months!!!

Last week was a milestone in the mission field for Stewart. He has been out 6 months now. Time is a weird thing. In many ways it seems to fly by and in other ways it seems as though Stewart has been gone for years.

A tradition in the mission field is to burn a tie on your 6 month anniversary. Not wanting to stray from tradition, Stewart joined in the fun....As many of you know, Stewart has wanted to be a Police Officer since he was 4 years old. He makes friends with the local cops in his areas and there is even a picture of me and my police motorcycle hanging on a wall of one of the police stations there.

Here, Stewart is involved in a new pilot program, K9 Missionaries....ok..not really. He found a member's dog out wandering and took it back to them.

Here is an excerpt from one of his recent e-mails:
There is also some crazy stuff that goes on here… I took a picture of a gold wing motorcycle because its American and I knew dad would like it…. But then after looking at the picture I realized there were 4 people on it… haha!
Stewart continues to work hard and the Mission President has told him that each month his shoulders will grow with added responsibility. This picture will be enlarged and framed in B&W in our home soon.

I'm pretty sure Stewart didn't paint the graffiti..

But even among all the work, there is P-day and time for sightseeing and pleasure.Also, recently Kristi and I went to Utah to see our Cousin JT report in Sacrament Meeting after returning from Japan. His brother Jake, spoke in the same meeting as he left a few days later for Peru. Additionally, Jim's youngest, Will, was baptized by his big brother JT.I took a lot of pictures but apparently none of Jake and JT. Here's me and Kristi though...


Unknown said...

6 months went by fast. Probably even faster for Stewart. It's great to hear how well he is doing. It sounds like he's really loving the work.

Cire said...

Wow - cool pics! I wish digital cameras had been around during my mission :( Enjoy talking to Jose tomorrow!

As the World "Kerns" said...

Looks like he's doing a good job and has a good sense of humor! It's fun reading about your family..love the picture of you and Kristi.

Linde said...

I forgot you live down there! ARe you in Gilbert? I'll be down again, I'm sure. I'll make sure to say hi!

It is amazing how many people I am finding live down there that I know. Since I've never been there before I forget about the possibility of knowing more than my sister there. She lives about 2 miles from the new temple. Where are you?

Joy Hollingshaus said...

Hey John!! I've been meaning to leave a comment for a while now---sorry it's taken me so long. Love your blog and reading about your family. It sounds like you are doing great. You have a very nice family. I think we should have a
73rd Ward get-together one of these days. It would be so fun to catch up with everyone. Keep blogging!!