Thursday, May 22, 2008

The start of a mission...

Sunday May 18th we had Stewart's mission farewell at church. There was an open house afterwards with lots of friends and family.

Then on Monday th19th, Stewart, Angela and I drove to Utah to take Stewart to the MTC. We stayed with Jim and his family and on Wednesday the 21st, Elder Stewart Ferrin reported to the mission field. Justin Taysom was on hand to assist as well...The MTC is a well oiled, well choreographed machine. From the moment you pull into the parking lot to the time you leave there are folks along the way to lead and guide you. Once the car was parked and luggage put in the proper place, we were ushered into a large meeting room where a member of the MTC presidency spoke. He was followed by the MTC President and his wife who help set us at ease by telling us what goes on there and assuring us they will take good care of our kids. The president joked that the fence around the campus is not to keep missionaries in but rather to keep moms and grandmas out.

After the talks we sang "Called to Serve", a video was shown and then it was time to say goodbye. We were advised that like ripping off a bandaide, saying good bye would be easier if it was short and quick. So, we ripped the bandaide, hugged and said good bye.

The missionaries were to exit the room through doors marked Missionaries an the family members were to exit through door marked family.

Stewart, in true form, was impatient and instead of waiting for the aisle to clear, he swung that long leg of his over the row of chairs, stepped to a clear spot, looked back at us smiling and winking, and disappeared through the door way.

Even though his absence leaves a gaping hole in our home, there is nowhere else I would rather him be at this time. He has a testimony of the work he is embarking on and he was ready to get under way.

I told Justin, his cousin who teaches Spanish at the MTC, that he was my man on the inside and I expected periodic updates from him on Stewart's progress.

After dropping Stewart off, Angela and I had lunch and then began the long, fairly quite, reflective drive back to Arizona.


Addy said...

You guys have done a remarkable job raising four amazing kids! We are proud of Stewart and will pray for him each day. Thanks for inviting us to share in one of his many special days!

Aunt Runny said...

What a great time in your family's lives. Open the doors and let the blessings in.

Elly Taysom said...

The start of a tremendous adventure for your whole family ... great pictures! It was so fun to be there with you!

Linde said...

Thanks for sending John. Can't beleive your oldest is on a mission! Fun to see pictures!

Linde Safsten Wong